What began as a small Bible study in 2012 is now a thriving church and a congregation in the heart of Huntsville. Since the early days, Cornerstone has longed for a place to call home—a home that is central, accessible and visible for our growing mission and ministry. The Lord provided for us super-abundantly in 2021!

The mission of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church is to be a community of Christ’s followers who worship, grow and serve together to glorify God in Huntsville and throughout the world.
The vision
From the very beginning, Cornerstone has dreamed of having a home in the city—a place where we can abound in our mission and vision to be a Christ-centered, Reformed and biblical church in the heart of downtown Huntsville.
The opportunity
In 2021, the Lord did something unexpected and blessed Cornerstone with a new church home at 1413 McClung Avenue. We now have the opportunity to improve this space for us to worship, grow, and serve our church family and the city.
The plan
Trusting the Lord, we are moving forward with some projects to help us grow ministry at Cornerstone. Your generosity toward Abounding helps us move forward on these projects, which include:
Constructing a 75-space parking lot north of the Family Life Center on the undeveloped property.
Designing a more accessible entrance on the west and/or north side of the building for handicap access and increased flow between the main building and the Family Life Center.
Remodeling the stage area in the sanctuary to add 56 more seats in the front of the sanctuary.
Remodeling the workroom area to add more bathrooms downstairs to accommodate everyone on Sundays.
Designing and building a commercial playground for children in the rear of the building.
Master-planning for future improvements.

Schematics & drawings
Survey showing property lines, existing structures and proposed parking added to the north of the main building and family life center. Final parking plan to be determined by civil engineers.
Proposed renovation to the main building to expand seating in sanctuary and create more bathrooms.
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
Colossians 2:6–7 ESV

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